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5 WordPress Hacks To Boost Your Website’s Speed

A decade ago, five seconds was an acceptable page load time. But today, most web visitors expect a web page to load as soon as they open it. They are also likely to close a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. To prevent users from leaving your site, try these tips that will speed up your WordPress site.


Keep WordPress and plugins up to date

Updating your WordPress version and plugins will not only keep your website secure but also speed it up. Therefore, you should install those updates as soon as they become available.

You can set WordPress to update automatically, or you can install updates manually. If you want to manage the updates yourself, install the Easy Updates Manager plugin to help you stay on top of all updates.

Choose a website host wisely

Your website’s host can make or break your website. So before you select one, carefully compare the details of their service plans — especially the website speed and uptime — against those of other vendors.

While it may be tempting to opt for shared hosting because of its low cost, this setup offers the slowest speeds because websites are simultaneously relying on the same server for bandwidth. In contrast, having a dedicated server will provide the best speed, but it may be too costly for many small- and medium-sized businesses.

A great mid-performance, mid-price alternative is a virtual private server (VPS). A VPS acts like a dedicated server in terms of functionality but still technically uses a shared server. It will speed up your site better than typical shared hosting without breaking the bank.

Keep your site lean

The leaner your site, the faster it will load. To create a lean site, be mindful of these four things:

  1. Theme – Having a theme with tons of features can set you back in terms of speed. This is because the huge amount of code that powers those features can bog down your site. Avoid this by testing different themes to see how long they take to load. If the loading time is more than three seconds, look for another theme that loads faster.
  2. Design – Some design elements can dramatically slow down your site. Simple sites load faster, so carefully consider the ads, images, and extra assets that you add to your website to avoid slow page loads.
  3. Plugins – Think twice before going overboard with plugins, as having fewer plugins translates to a faster site load time. Also, keep in mind that not all plugins are created equal; some run faster than others. To tell one from the other, use applets that show the impact a plugin has on your site’s load time.
  4. Images – While many raw images are around 3,000 to 4,000 pixels wide, most web pages resize them without compression to 600 to 800 pixels wide so they can fit on the screen. If you want faster web page load speeds, resize your site’s images to the exact size they’ll appear on the screen. This shaves some bytes off the image file size, so the images load more quickly.

Leverage speed-boosting plugins

Use plugins that speed up your site. Cache plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache can provide more speed by caching your site on user browsers, thereby reducing download times.

Another helpful plugin is Lazy Load. It boosts your site’s speed by loading the elements at the top of the website first, then loading subsequent elements as a visitor scrolls down the page. Most themes already include the Lazy Load plugin, so check your Theme Options to see if it’s already part of your code pack.

Use redirects sparingly

Web pages that point to other URLs can slow down your site, so make sure to avoid or limit redirections. To check for redirects that your website doesn’t need, you can use the Redirect mapper tool or similar alternatives.

Implementing some or all of the tips above will surely improve your WordPress site’s speed. If you need more help in optimizing your website, or if you have other IT concerns, just give Net Activity a call.

Safeguard Your Social Media: 4 Ways To Keep Your Personal Information Protected

It’s no secret that social media is a huge target for hackers. Every day, millions of people share their personal information on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. This makes it easy for cybercriminals to steal identities and access sensitive data. It’s therefore important that you know how to effectively protect your social media accounts from hackers. The following tips can help you do just that.

Lock your screen

Always lock all your devices as soon as you stop using them. This way, you are safe from the simplest hack of all: someone opening a social media site on your device while your account is still signed in.

Locking your phone is easy enough, but in case you didn’t know, here’s how to lock your computer:

On a Mac:

  • Press Ctrl+Command+Q.
  • Click the Apple logo on the top left corner of the screen, and select Lock screen.

On a Windows device:

  • Press Windows key+L.
  • If there are multiple users using the device, click the Start button on the bottom left corner of the screen, then select User > Lock.

Use strong passwords

One of the easiest ways for hackers to gain access to your account is by launching brute force attacks to guess a weak or easily guessed password. Be sure to use a strong password that is at least eight characters long and includes a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. It’s also a good idea to change your password regularly to further reduce the risk of someone gaining access to your account.

It is best to use a password manager like 1PasswordLastPass, or Dashlane, as these allow you to generate, save, and retrieve complex passwords.

You can also enable multifactor authentication, which requires users to fulfill at least one more identity verification step after entering their username and password. The extra step or steps can involve scanning your fingerprint or entering a one-time passcode on an authentication app. Even if hackers have your password, they won’t be able to log in to your account without the additional authentication requirements.

Enable social media security features

Facebook can help you monitor who’s accessing your account and from where. On any web browser, log in to Facebook and click on Your profile, which is the icon located at the upper-right corner of the page. Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings > Accounts Center. From the Accounts Center, choose Password and security to get more information.

Under the “Where you’re logged in” section, you’ll see a list of the places and devices you’re logged into. If you don’t recognize a particular location or device, that means someone else has logged in as you and is likely using your account for fraudulent or malicious purposes. Log them out by clicking the checkbox on the row indicating the malicious login and selecting Log out, and then report the incident immediately.

Unfortunately, as of this writing, Twitter doesn’t have the same option of checking unrecognized logins. This makes implementing two-factor authentication even more necessary.

Hackers can also take over your Facebook and Twitter accounts through third-party services to which you’ve given access to your profiles, so make sure to double-check what you have approved. Here’s how to do it:

  • Facebook: Go to Settings > Accounts Center > Password and security > Apps and websites to view and manage third-party services that use Facebook to log you into the accounts you have with them.
  • Twitter: Go to Settings and privacy > Security and account access > Apps and sessions to check and edit the list of third-party apps linked to your account.

Lastly, check the permissions Facebook and Twitter have on your smartphone or tablet.

  • Android: Go to Settings > Apps > App permissions.
  • iOS: Go to Settings and find Facebook and Twitter under the app list to manage which parts or features of your phone (such as the camera and speaker) they have access to.

Post less personal information online

As much as we all love to share our lives with others on social media, it’s important to remember that not everything needs to be shared online. Hackers can use information like your birthdate, home address, and phone number to gain access to your accounts or even steal your identity. So, limit the amount of personal information you share on social media and think twice before posting anything that could be used against you.

By following these tips, you can significantly prevent Facebook and Twitter hacking.

Cybersecurity is a sprawling issue — and social media privacy is but one of the many things you need to stay on top of. For support, call our team of experts today.

There is a Strategy to Making Smart Technology Investments

A lot of companies are making large technology investments, in fact, if you are here now, you are probably thinking about making such an investment for your own business. One problem that growing companies have is identifying and investing in the right technology. Today, we thought we would give you a couple of tips on how to go about making technology investment decisions that will be the most advantageous for your business.

Why Invest in Technology?

Before we get into some tips that can help you make the best technology investment decisions, we want to talk about why companies are investing in technology. In the small business world, most business owners feel as if they are constantly falling behind if they don’t continuously improve their technology. In fact, according to a poll conducted in 2021, over half of respondents to the small business poll thought they were spending too little on their technology, while only about 20 percent felt that they were spending too much. Obviously, these are just opinions, but it can give you a look into the game of catch-up that a lot of small business owners are constantly playing. Some of the reasons small businesses invest in technology include:

  • Integration of new systems/applications to advance efficiency
  • Cybersecurity
  • Managing and analyzing data
  • Upgrading systems
  • Upgrade for younger workforce
  • Expanding reach/commerce to Internet
  • Managing building IT complexities

There are many others, but if you are like the over half of small business owners that feel like stagnation in your tech is stagnation in your business, finding the right technology to invest in is imperative to not wasting capital. Let’s take a look at three strategies that work to identify the technology your business needs.

Look Inward

The first thing you should do before making any technology-procurement decisions is assess what problems your business has that could possibly be fixed by adding new technology. Do you pay a lot of money for a certain part of your business that a new tech investment could reduce over time? Are you lacking efficiency in one part of your business? You will want to identify the pain points of your business and then take some time to see what type of investment works best for you. Do you need to see a rapid ROI? Technology can be a solution to your problem, but it can just as easily become another problem if you don’t plan ahead.

Look to Deliver More Value

Your company is unique, and if you consider it, it has a unique offering. Identifying what unique value your business presents to your customers is a great place to start when looking to implement technology to help your business. You will want to explore how new technology could help you differentiate your product and service delivery and then make decisions on those investments to improve your value proposition to customers. After all, if your customers won’t pay more after a massive innovation project, other than market sustainability, why would you want to put that kind of stress on your business?

Get Creative

You are in the business of creating great outcomes for your customers so that they continue to buy your products and services. Why then would you try to develop and integrate technology that could end up costing you a lot of money? Nowadays, there are many technologically-based organizations that your business can partner with to ensure that you are able to move operations forward. Whether that be organizations that specialize in virtualized hardware, managed software, or simply getting your team the coffee they need, there are technology-based solutions to nearly every business problem.

That’s where the IT professionals at Net Activity come in, we handle all manners of technology-related issues that you can have with your business. Give us a call today at 216-503-5150 to have a conversation about how to get your technology working for you.

Some Employees Won’t Stop Using Apps That Could Be A Security Risk

It’s likely a lot of the applications and software tools you’re using now are different from the ones your business used before the pandemic.

That’s because we’ve all had to make big adjustments to the way we communicate and collaborate.

And to begin with, it may have been hit and miss. It’s possible in the first few weeks and months that your employees had to use whatever tools they had available to them.

Now that we’ve settled into permanent new ways of working, we can pick the software tools that best suit our businesses.

Unfortunately, your employees might not like your choice of which apps should be used within the company. And some of them may continue to use the ones they prefer, despite the security risk that comes with that.

A recent survey found a massive 92% of employees want more control over the software, collaboration tools, and applications they use. And 51% continue to use apps that have been banned by IT departments.

It’s putting business owners in a difficult position.

Blocking apps and software may lead to employees feeling untrusted. This can lead to frustration and lack of motivation. It can really have a negative impact on your business.

But ignoring the issue can be just as bad. Unvetted apps can be a big security risk, leaving your data open to theft and your systems vulnerable to malware.

So what’s the answer?

We’d always suggest having open conversations with your people. It’s a good idea to invite feedback on the software you want to use. After all, your people are the ones using it day-in, day-out.

Take their suggestions on alternatives if the consensus is you’re using the wrong solutions and commit to looking into their viability.

It’s also a very good idea to make sure your people fully understand the risks that come with using unapproved apps, and the impact that can have on a business.

Even in cases where your team are all sticking to approved tools, keeping them educated on the latest cyber security initiatives is a smart move.

Can we help you find the most suitable communication and productivity tools for your business? We’ve helped lots of business owners do this. Net Activity is here to help.

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