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7 Tips To Reduce PC Power Consumption

In 2021, industrial consumers of electricity in the United States paid an average of $7.26 per kilowatt hour. This amount is a 9% increase from 2020 and the highest figure recorded since 1970. Given the rising electricity rates, it’s now more important to take energy-saving measures, one of which is reducing your PC power consumption. Here’s how to do that.

1. Reduce your computer monitor’s brightness

Most monitors have a built-in sensor that adjusts the screen’s brightness according to the amount of light in the room. You can also manually adjust your PC’s brightness to further reduce its power consumption.

2. Unplug your computer when it’s not in use

Many people leave their computers on all day, even when they’re not using them, to save time powering up. However, this practice wastes a lot of energy.

If you’re not going to be using your computer for a while, it’s best to shut it down and unplug it. That’s because a plugged-in computer — even when it’s switched off — still consumes standby power.

If you’re going to be away from your PC for a few minutes or a couple of hours, you can still save energy without sacrificing too much time by turning off your monitor. If you have a laptop, you can put it into sleep or hibernation mode when you’re not using it.

3. Opt for a laptop instead of a desktop computer

Use a laptop instead of a desktop since laptops are designed to be more energy-efficient than desktops.

4. Keep your laptop plugged in only when it is charging

We tend to forget about our laptops while they’re charging, leaving them plugged in for hours. The bad news is that overcharging causes the battery to deteriorate over time. When left plugged in, the charger still consumes power, even if it’s not connected to your computer. To save energy, unplug your laptop charger once you’re done charging.

5. Detach external devices from your PC when you’re not using them

Any external devices (e.g., printer, scanner, or webcam) connected to your PC continues to draw power even when they’re not in use. So when you’re not using them, make sure to disconnect these external devices from your PC.

6. Use a smart strip, especially for computers you cannot turn off

smart strip automatically shuts down appliances when they go into standby mode. By connecting your computer and external devices to a smart strip, you won’t have to unplug your equipment when they’re not in use.

7. Pick an Energy Star-certified PC

When buying a new PC, look for an Energy Star-certified model. Products that have the Energy Star symbol are guaranteed to deliver both quality performance and energy savings. The number of stars a product has indicates how energy-efficient it is.

In fact, an Energy Star-certified PC uses about 25%–40% less electricity than conventional models by using the most efficient components and better managing energy use when idle. This can translate to savings between $7 and $52 per year in electricity bills.

Following these tips should help you reduce your electricity costs and make smart hardware choices. If you need help selecting the best hardware for your company’s needs, contact us. We’re ready to assist you.

4 Tips for Safely Browsing The Web

Even if they’re only browsing the internet, your staff members are vulnerable to all sorts of data security threats, especially when they work remotely, use multiple devices, or connect to various networks. As a business owner, you must put browser security measures in place to minimize the risk of data loss.

Install anti-malware software

Browsers are now programmed to block web pages of most malicious sites, i.e., websites that deliver malware to your IT systems. However, even the most advanced browser can’t block every risky site, especially if a site is legitimate but has been turned into an unwitting mule for malware. Since malware infections via web browsing appear to be inevitable, you must install anti-malware software on every device you and your employees use for work. It’ll guard you against known viruses, worms, and other malicious software that are designed to steal your data and wreak havoc on your IT systems.

Have everyone in your organization use a virtual private network (VPN)

Hackers can pry into your internal channels and external communications with your customers and business partners to steal sensitive information, such as account login credentials and banking details. Fortunately, you can use a VPN to encrypt your internet traffic. A VPN will effectively bar any unauthorized party from reading any messages you and your staff send out and receive via a web browser or another medium.

Install ad blockers

While most online ads are benign, some contain widgets that send your data to third parties that can then send you more targeted ads based on the data gleaned about you. Clicking on some of these ads can bring you to malicious sites. Thankfully, you can use ad blockers to keep suspicious pop-up, rollover, and banner ads from showing up on your browsers.

Stop online activity trackers

If you don’t want a third party monitoring your surfing habits, use your browser’s private browsing mode, such as Private Browsing on Safari and Incognito on Chrome. Private browsing also protects you from malware and third-party cookies that track your online activities. You can also use browser extensions that stop social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, from tracking your online behavior and collecting other information about you. Such browser extensions include Privacy Badger and Ghostery.

The simple act of browsing the internet has become fraught with peril. Do you have sufficient defenses to keep your data safe? And would you like a more comprehensive security system for your business? Net Activity’s IT specialists can help you fight off cyber threats. Let’s talk about your business requirements today.

How To Give A Knockout PowerPoint Presentation

It’s not easy to stand in front of a group of people and deliver a PowerPoint presentation. But don’t worry, here are some tips and tricks that will help you give presentations that will impress your audience.

Understand your target audience

Before preparing your presentation, do some research about your target audience. Think about what kind of presentation they would enjoy. What sort of media do they prefer most, and what kinds of images and typefaces should you use to pique their interest?

Doing your homework on your audience will help ensure your PowerPoint presentation receives the full attention of your audience.

Talk about one idea per slide

Never cram several topics into a single slide, as this can overwhelm your audience. Instead, concentrate on one theme or topic per slide. This will help your audience better comprehend the message you’re trying to get across.

Use images instead of bullet points

Using pictures, graphical elements, or other visual components instead of bulleted lists, can help you command more attention during your presentation. Images can help your audience focus more on what you’re saying instead of reading what’s on the screen.

Use white space to enhance readability

White space, also known as negative space, is a design concept that refers to empty spaces in a layout. It isn’t always white; rather, it’s the background of the design, regardless of color or pattern, that doesn’t contain any text or images. When used correctly, white space will draw your audience’s focus to the most essential parts of your presentation.


Practice delivering your presentation days before a live or recorded event. You can try practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself to see how well you’re delivering your presentation. Rehearsing several times can help you determine the flow of your presentation and identify areas for improvement.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you’re making a PowerPoint presentation to increase audience engagement. For more detailed information on how to make compelling PowerPoint presentations, give us a call today.

What Does The Global Chip Shortage Mean For Your Business?

For the past couple of years, the tech world has been struggling with a huge shortage of chips.

But it’s not just tech businesses that are feeling the impact.

So many of the things we use every day contain a chip. Laptops and desktops, sure. But also household appliances, even our cars. It’s hard to find an electric device without a chip.

This shortage has the potential to disrupt our modern lives.

Did you know, it’s been ongoing since 2020 (ah, that year really was a gift, wasn’t it)?

It started during the pandemic, as production fell while demand went up.

Other events since have made it worse, including extreme weather, the Ukraine war, and a factory fire.

We’re told that increasing chip production isn’t easy. It can take years to build a new factory because of the unique production demands.

Of course, all of this is someone else’s problem. Let’s make it real to you – what does this actually mean for your business?

Essentially, it means you need to plan ahead more.

Some of the technology you need to run your business may be in short supply.

As an example, getting large numbers of the same laptop might be difficult, compared to getting just 2 or 3.

And some essential devices you rarely think about as they’re in the background, such as network switches, are currently much harder to get.

As you push your business towards increased growth, it means planning ahead more than ever before.

Industry experts expect the shortage to last into next year… and it could be even longer.

Would you like to run your growth plans by us, so we can advise what might need to be ordered, and when? Get in touch.

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