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Everything You Need To Know About Identity And Access Management Systems

Every day, your employees use applications and sensitive business data. Hackers, on the other hand, are out to steal the same information for their own gain. Worse yet, workers who turn rogue can easily steal your data. This is why implementing an identity and access management (IAM) solution is critical.


What is IAM?

Identity and access management is a system that secures, stores, and manages user identities and access privileges. It ensures that users are who they say they are and will grant access to applications and resources only to those who have permission to use them. System administrators can enforce this system to give employees access to only the apps and data they need for work.


Other solutions that go into IAM include single sign-on (SSO) and multifactor authentication (MFA). The former allows users to securely log in to multiple applications that they are authorized to access. Meanwhile, MFA sets an additional method of user verification other than passwords. This includes fingerprint scans, facial ID, or a one-time security code sent via SMS.


These security solutions are designed to protect digital assets even if users attempt to access company accounts through mobile devices and the cloud.



Too much access to certain systems is risky, while too little can hamper productivity and frustrate users. IAM strikes the perfect balance by letting you set centralized policies for the right access privileges. For example, you can deny your design team access to the accounting system while granting it to your CFO.


Each user’s role and attribute can be used to determine which resources they’re allowed to access and to what extent. This not only offers better security, but also more flexibility and ease of management.



With SSO and MFA, your employees will no longer have to remember multiple passwords. Instead, they’ll be able to prove their identity using evidence-based authorization such as answering a personal question that only they would know. IAM also comes equipped with advanced encryption tools to protect sensitive data, reducing the risk of compromised user credentials.



Customers today interact with your company across multiple channels, whether in the cloud or via third-party applications. This is where IAM helps provide a better experience through SSO, self-service capabilities, and unified customer profiles that make communication processes quick and easy.


Your employees, on the other hand, will be able to access the information they need securely and conveniently no matter where they are. This means productivity will no longer be confined to their office desk.



Businesses today must meet the constantly changing regulatory requirements concerning data access governance and privacy management. IAM was designed with exactly that in mind and provides control over who can access data and how it can be used and shared.



IAM automates and standardizes many aspects of identity, authentication, and authorization management. This means you’ll be able to minimize significant labor costs associated with keeping your business environment secure.


An identity and access management solution equips you with much-needed security without compromising on usability and convenience. To operate in a digital business environment, it’s not a matter of if but when you’ll adopt IAM within your company.


If you’re looking to enhance company-wide security, whether with IAM or other solutions, why not give Net Activity a call? We can definitely help with that!

Windows 11 FAQs: What You Should Know Before Upgrading

With an adoption rate of less than 9%, Windows 11 isn’t currently as popular as its predecessor, Windows 10. But this doesn’t mean it’s less functional. Get to know the latest Microsoft operating system (OS) and you might just be persuaded to upgrade.

Windows 11 is relatively new to the market, so it’s no surprise that users have plenty of questions about it. From what Windows 11 is to how to install it, here is a list of everything you need to know about the new Microsoft OS.

What makes Windows 11 different from Windows 10?

Microsoft promises to improve its OS with every release, and that’s also the case with Windows 11. It features refined power and security features and redesigned key visual elements that give the OS a more modern look. It is also packed with new tools, apps, and sounds that come together cohesively to give you a refreshing PC experience.

Does Windows 11 take up more PC space than Windows 10?

No. Both versions of Windows require approximately the same amount of disk space. However, you will need extra space in your PC during the upgrade process. After about 10 days upon completing the update, Windows will clean up this extra disk space.

When can I get a PC that comes with pre-installed Windows 11?

Windows 11 is pre-installed on PCs that were available before the end of 2021, as well as on all new 2022 PCs. Older models with Windows 10 will be able to upgrade to Windows 11, given that they meet the minimum hardware specifications necessary to run the latest Microsoft OS.

What are the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11, and how do I know if my PC meets them?

You can check the complete list of Windows 11 minimum hardware requirements here.

To see if your PC meets these specifications, download and run the PC Health Check app. Apart from providing a comprehensive eligibility check for your device and giving information on why your device is or isn’t eligible, it will also tell you what you can do if your device doesn’t meet the minimum specifications.

Will my current accessories work with Windows 11?

All accessories that work with Windows 10 and meet Windows 11 specifications should have no problems working with Windows 11. To be sure, you can always check with the manufacturers.

If my Windows 10 device meets the minimum requirements, when will I be able to upgrade to Windows 11?

While the Windows 11 rollout is expected to be completed in early 2022, it is already available for most of the devices in use today. But because not all eligible Windows 10 devices will be offered the update at the same time, you should run the PC Health Check app on your device to see if Windows 11 is already available.

What if I want to install Windows 11 on my compatible device but the upgrade isn’t available to me yet?

The good news is that you can install Windows 11 on your eligible PC without waiting for Microsoft to offer the OS to you. From the official Windows 11 download page, simply choose how you’d like to install the update. The best and easiest installation option for most people is via Microsoft installation assistant, but there are also options for installing through a bootable USB, a DVD installer, or a disk image ISO.

What should I do if my PC doesn’t meet the minimum hardware specifications?

If your PC is not eligible for a Windows 11 update, don’t fret. You don’t necessarily have to buy a new PC — at least not yet. You can stay on Windows 10; it remains a great version of Windows and it will be supported until October 14, 2025.

How much is the Windows 11 upgrade?

Upgrading to Windows 11 is free for PCs running the most current version of Windows 10 and have the right hardware specifications. To check if you’re running the latest Windows 10 updates, go to Settings > Windows Update.

Note that the free upgrade offer doesn’t have a specific end date, so there’s no saying how long it will last. It is within Microsoft’s right and discretion when to cancel the free offer, but the end date should be no sooner than one year from Windows 11’s general availability.

If I’m eligible for Windows 11 but decline the upgrade, can I upgrade later?

Definitely. You can upgrade anytime by simply going to Settings > Windows Update.

What will happen to my files when I upgrade to Windows 11?

All your data will transfer by default when you install Windows 11. However, it’s recommended that you back up your files first before installation so you can have a copy of these in case anything goes wrong. Learn more about how to back up your data using OneDrive PC folder Backup here.

If I upgrade to Windows 11 but don’t like it, can I go back to Windows 10?

Yes. Within 10 days of installing the Windows 11 upgrade, you can easily return to Windows 10 while keeping your files and data. To do so, go to Start > Settings > System > Recovery, then click on Go Back.

After 10 days, the “Go Back” option will no longer be available, and you will need to back up your data so you can do a clean install of Windows 10.

These are just some of the questions most users ask about Windows 11. If you have any more queries about the latest Microsoft OS, don’t hesitate to give our experts a call.

Are You Doing Everything You Can to Make the Cloud Work for You?

Cloud computing is being used by nearly everyone nowadays, and most of the time it presents a lot of value that can’t be found with purchasing, managing, and maintaining an in-house computing infrastructure. As an organization begins moving more and more of their computing to the cloud, there is a situation that arises that industry professionals call “cloud sprawl”. 


What is Cloud Sprawl?

Cloud sprawl is the loss of awareness about cloud computing expenses that can add up if not monitored carefully. For example, say you have a project that requires a certain software title to complete it. You decided to get each member of the team a subscription to a certain Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) title. As the project extends, more people are added, but when the project is completed the accounts that were added subsequently aren’t canceled immediately. If they are found three months later, you are on the hook for the monthly cost of the software and infrastructure related to it.


This may seem like a small issue, but for organizations of dozens of departments, hundreds of project teams, and thousands of user accounts, you are talking about a large waste of capital. Wasting money buying things that aren’t being used is always frustrating, but it’s even more of a problem when with a little foresight and reliable documentation (and procedure), these expenses can be completely eliminated. 


The first thing you will have to do if you want to control your organization’s cloud expenses is to design, and completely map, a computing infrastructure that takes into account all current infrastructure plans, projects, and future computing investments. Once your entire infrastructure is completely mapped, it should be much easier adding and subtracting cloud resources based on need.


What is Cloud Complexity?

Cloud complexity is exactly what it sounds like. Not all software deployments are cost-effective if you use the SaaS per-user model. There are definitely applications that your business uses that you want to host and manage yourself to ensure that it is secured the way you need it to be. Most businesses need to meet some type of regulatory requirements—and with much of that requiring proof of security—hosting those applications and data offsite may make it a little more difficult (and probably much more expensive). 


Other examples of cloud complexity are when organizations decide that they want to migrate away from onsite infrastructure and don’t take into account the different configurations that cloud platforms present. One major problem is that when an organization decides to migrate data and applications into a cloud-hosted environment, the legacy infrastructure (servers, databases, and other computing platforms) continues to exist for some time. 


Also, cloud options are unhindered by compatibility and compliance. Hosted infrastructure makes it easy to select whichever brand or functionality your organization needs. All these moving parts can make cloud computing a maddening jumble of sudden changes that can waste plenty of time and money if left unchecked. 


What is Cloud Security?

Since the advent of cloud computing, IT professionals have been asking this question. The biggest problem with cloud computing was the fact that they had little to no control over the setup and management of the underlying computing infrastructure. The single sign-on feature of most cloud platforms was (and is) disconcerting to the IT professional tasked with securing your organization’s technology. 


The truth is, cloud security is strong and shouldn’t be too worrisome for organizations using cloud computing for most enterprise computing needs. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your cloud security is commensurate with the IT security you have for your physical infrastructure. They include:


  • Backup and recovery – Hackers do attack cloud systems, this much is true, and if something were to happen in your cloud platforms, having a reliable backup and strong data recovery plan in place would take a lot of the heat off.
  • Multi-factor authentication – One of the biggest problems with cloud platforms from a security perspective is the single sign-on. Today, all cloud platforms support multi-factor authentication procedures that work to enhance an organization’s ability to keep unwanted entities out of cloud platforms. 
  • Use encryption – Data is data regardless of where you store it. To protect any data, you will want to use encryption. Encryption restricts access to data and when looking to build secure practices around data, it is one of the best solutions out there.


The cloud is changing the face of business, but it does have its drawbacks. If you would like to have a conversation about your organization’s use of cloud computing and how you can use the cloud more effectively, give Net Activity a call at 216-503-5150.

5 Tips to Enhance Your Wireless Connection’s Strength

With more businesses moving in the direction of remote connections and mobile devices, it’s no surprise that wireless Internet is such a pain point for organizations. Sometimes it can be an exercise in frustration to connect to your office’s wireless network, and you might not really know what to do about it. Here are some ideas to try and increase your wireless network’s strength or signal.

Check Your Connection First

Since your router speed is based on the speed of your organization’s wired connection, your first recourse should be to check if you are getting the speed that you’re supposed to have. You can do this by running a speed test via a wired connection. If the numbers don’t add up, you may have to contact your Internet service provider or replace your modem. You should also consider testing your speed on a mobile device that connects wirelessly to the network, but do so close to the device; this will help you determine if it’s a structural problem or one involving the router itself.

Reexamine Router Placement

Depending on your office’s setup, the physical placement of your router could be negatively affecting your organization’s wireless connection. A generally good practice is to keep your router in a location that is out in the open, far from walls and other obstructions, so that they cannot interfere with the wireless signal. If you want your signal to reach all parts of your office, then it should be placed at the center (or as close as possible) to distribute an even connection across the area.

Update Your Router

Just like any other device on your network, your wireless router has firmware that must be updated from time to time. The process for updating your router will vary depending on the manufacturer, so we recommend working with our technicians at Directive to see if your router needs to be updated or not. Oftentimes updating your firmware can allow for enhanced performance in general, so it certainly does not hurt to do it every so often.

Implement a Wireless Extender

If all of your efforts to resolve your wireless network issues simply do not work, then perhaps the coverage issue is caused by the area being too large to be covered by your single router. You can expand your wireless network’s range with an extender, essentially rebroadcasting your signal to reach parts of your office that wouldn’t otherwise receive the connection.

If All Else Fails, Use a Wired Connection When Possible

It stands to reason that the fewer devices that connect to a wireless network, the faster it will be. Therefore, if you can utilize wired connections for devices like desktops and laptops, then you should. This keeps the signals from getting gummed up with tons of traffic while you are trying to connect to the wireless network.

Sometimes it is hard to get your wireless connection to work the way you want it to. Net Activity can help you make any needed adjustments to your business’s wireless network or its network device settings. For more assistance or information, contact us at 216-503-5150.

The Best IT-Related Resolutions For The New Year

The past couple of years has been difficult for just about everyone. Business owners and entrepreneurs have had to adapt and evolve to survive in an ever-changing climate. There’s no telling when or even if things will go back to what we once thought was “normal.” As we enter a New Year, many business owners are putting their resolutions in place to survive and hopefully thrive in 2022.

People will focus on plans for growth and ways to bring more profit in for their resolution, but it’s important to include tech- and IT-related resolutions as well. Technology might not be an obvious approach to growing a business, but it goes a long way toward making your clients and employees feel more secure about everyday interactions. This can inadvertently lead to growth as you improve customer relationships as well.

Here are a few tech-related resolutions that we think can greatly improve any business.

Use Multiple Layers Of Cyber Security Protection

There is no security approach that covers every hole or flaw that cybersecurity threats are looking to exploit. The best way to keep your defenses protected is to put in place multiple approaches to cover every possible gap. By using multiple programs and layers, you will ensure that every individual component of your cybersecurity program has a backup to counter any issues.

Your first line of defense should be a firewall. Firewalls help monitor incoming and outgoing traffic and work as a barrier between networks you trust and don’t trust. They essentially shield you from malicious or unnecessary network traffic. Multifactor authentication is an important layer as well. This prevents cyber-attacks that come from weak or compromised passwords. With multifactor authentication, you and your employees may have to receive a text to your cell phones to prove that the correct person is trying to access the network. This will help prevent the use of employee passwords to gain access to sensitive information.

Back-Up Your Data And Replace Old Equipment

Unfortunately, preventive measures don’t always work. An unexpected disaster could cause your network to go down or someone could accidentally delete some important files. Plus, if your data is not backed up, you could lose sensitive information as well as time and money down the road. Customers will also be upset if you lose information pertaining to them. This could devastate your brand’s reputation and cost you customers. If you do not have a backup plan or program in place, you should definitely get one for 2022.

In addition to backup plans, it’s critical to have equipment that is up-to-date. Using slow and outdated technology can take away productivity and will make your job more difficult. If some of your equipment goes down, think about replacing it with something new rather than repairing it. While it might be more expensive at first, this decision will save you time and money in the long run.

Employee Security Training

If you want to run a cyber security-aware business, you’ll need to train your employees in security awareness and create a culture that ensures information security. Providing your employees with training related to information security can make them more comfortable and confident in their decision-making and overall employment. This rubs off on your clients and makes them feel more comfortable about doing business with you. According to information from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, human error is to blame for 90% of cyber data breaches. Getting your employees trained in cybersecurity awareness can help reduce the chance of human error.

As you layout plans to make your business more successful throughout 2022 and beyond, ensure that your tech and information security practices are updated. There are simply no downsides to improving your technology and cybersecurity. Adopting these practices can go a long way toward making your employees and customers feel more comfortable and confident in their decisions.

Why Technology Business Reviews Are Worth It For Your Business

Are your IT assets contributing to your business’s profitability and overall growth? If you can’t tell whether your IT is helping you turn a profit, it’s time to seek the help of professionals who can evaluate your technology’s performance and spot any anomalies before it’s too late. One way to evaluate your IT systems is to conduct regular technology business reviews.


A technology business review reveals the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s IT framework. It’s often performed by a third-party IT consultant who will give an objective assessment of your technology and provide recommendations to help you meet your goals. If done properly, technology business reviews allow you to:


Save money

Every review starts with a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether an implemented solution is worth the continued investment. If there are technologies costing you a fortune in management and maintenance fees, consultants will advise you to cut them from your budget. They will also recommend cost-effective alternatives so you can do more with less.


Increase productivity

System-wide reviews of your IT infrastructure show you what processes are hindering business operations. This allows you to formulate solutions to increase productivity. For example, if employees are mainly sharing files via email, consultants might suggest cloud collaboration platforms, like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, which store data in a centralized location for seamless file sharing.


Enhance security and compliance

Technology business reviews can also uncover security risks within your business. Consultants look for missed patches, poorly configured networks, and other software vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited by cybercriminals.

They’ll then compile their findings to create a more robust cybersecurity strategy, usually one that involves implementing advanced solutions like intrusion prevention systems, file access restrictions, and patch management software.


If you operate a business that’s subjected to data regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), consultants will also pinpoint non-compliant IT practices and solutions and then customize a strategy that ensures the privacy, integrity, and availability of your data.


Implement appropriate technologies

Considering that new technologies are released at a breakneck pace, it’s important to pick those that will help you achieve your business goals. Technology business reviews keep you up to date on the latest technology trends and gauge the impact of implementing them so that you can make informed decisions.


Whether your goal is to increase profits, productivity, security, or all of the above, technology business reviews can put you on the right track. Our seasoned IT consultants can conduct these reviews for you and develop a strategy that gives you an edge over the competition. Just give us a call.

Microsoft Office Is Rolling Out A New User Interface

Microsoft is making a few UI changes across its entire product line in anticipation of rolling out Windows 11. Early this year (2021) the company announced that they were updating the UI for Office 365 and Office 2021.

Over the summer, small groups of users participated in open beta and began playing with the updated versions of those app suites.

Now the company is ready for the big reveal and is rolling the new UI out to all Office 365 and Officer 2021 users. The changes don’t add anything in the way of new functionality but offer a different look and feel that brings the ubiquitous office suite into aesthetic alignment with what’s planned for Windows 11.

If you haven’t already started to see the changes, you will soon. Primarily you’ll notice that icons and menu buttons have a softer more rounded appearance in keeping with the company’s slowly evolving aesthetic. Also note that the update will “remember” if you selected the light or dark theme you set inside Windows, and your office suite will match that selection.

Users can toggle the new look on or off via the “megaphone” icon visible in the right-hand corner of Word Excel PowerPoint and OneNote. All Windows 11 users should see it the next time they open any of those apps.

Similar changes are planned for the Web and Mobile versions of the office suite. However, shifting those versions of the suite into alignment with what’s planned for Windows 11 is a significantly larger project that the company says will take at least another year to complete and possibly closer to two.

In the end, though, Windows will offer a single seamless aesthetic across its products which should improve and enhance the overall user experience, and that’s good stuff.

Microsoft 365 data loss protection: A quick and easy guide

Businesses of all sizes and across all sectors are turning to Microsoft 365 for the productivity-boosting benefits it offers. Many also choose the subscription service for its robust security features designed to safeguard against cyber threats of all kinds. To make the most out of these functionalities and ensure your business data’s security, follow these tips.

Take advantage of policy alerts

Establish policy notifications in Microsoft 365’s Compliance Center to help you meet your company’s data security obligations. With these in place, your employees will receive policy tips about sending confidential information anytime they’re about to send messages to contacts outside of the company network. These preemptive warnings can prevent data leaks and also educate users on safer data sharing practices.

Secure mobile devices

Since employees often use personal smartphones or computers to access their work email, calendar, contacts, and documents — especially if they’re working remotely — securing employee-owned devices should be a critical part of protecting your organization’s data. Installing mobile device management features for Microsoft 365 enables you to manage security policies and access permissions/restrictions, and remotely wipe sensitive data from mobile devices if they’re lost or stolen.

Use multifactor authentication

Relying on a single password to protect your Microsoft 365 accounts could lead to account hijacking, which could put your data at risk of being compromised. Instead, enable multifactor authentication (MFA). MFA requires users to supply additional credentials on top of a password before they can access their accounts. This makes it difficult for hackers to access your accounts since they not only have to guess user passwords, but they also need to provide a second authentication factor like a one-time SMS code or a fingerprint scan.

Apply session timeouts

Many employees usually forget to log out of their Microsoft 365 accounts and keep their computers or mobile devices unlocked. This could give unauthorized users unfettered access to company accounts, allowing them to steal sensitive data. By applying session timeouts to Microsoft 365 accounts, email accounts, and internal networks, users will be automatically logged out after a period of inactivity, preventing hackers from taking over users’ devices and accessing private information.

Avoid public calendar sharing

Microsoft 365’s calendar sharing feature allows employees to share and sync their schedules with their colleagues. However, publicly sharing this information is a bad idea because it helps attackers understand how your company works, determine who’s away, and identify vulnerable users. For instance, if security administrators are publicly listed as “Away on vacation,” an attacker may see this as an opportunity to unleash malware on unattended computers.

Employ role-based access controls

Access management is another Microsoft 365 feature that will limit the flow of sensitive data across your organization. It lets you determine which users have access to specific files in your company. For example, rank-and-file employees won’t be able to read or edit executive-level documents, minimizing the risk of data leaks.

Encrypt emails

Encrypting classified information is your last line of defense against data breaches. If hackers intercept your emails, encryption tools will make files unreadable to unauthorized recipients. This is a must-have for Microsoft 365, where files and emails are shared on a regular basis.

Partner with us to ensure your organization’s Microsoft 365 accounts are always secure and compliant with changing data security requirements. Give Net Activity, Inc. a call today — our team of experts is here to help.

3 Gadgets that Any Technology Lover Would Appreciate

The holidays are some of the best times for technology lovers. Not only do manufacturers deliver the coolest tech for the busiest retail time of the year, there is a good chance that you may be gifted some of it. This week, we thought we would take a look at three popular gadgets that are flying off the shelves this holiday season. 

Wireless Earphones

Headphones have been a popular gift for decades. Today’s technology allows users to get unparalleled sound quality without the messy cords that have been tethering users to devices for years. The wireless headphone market is now split into two main categories: earphones and earbuds.

When looking for the right set of wireless headphones for the person on your shopping list you should consider the following features:


Bluetooth 5.0 compatibility – Newer versions of Bluetooth—which is how the wireless headphones connect to a device—remove the latency found in earlier versions allowing for optimal sound sync with streaming video.

aptX or SBC (or AAC) – When shopping for wireless headphones you need to understand bitrates. SBC (and Apple’s proprietary AAC) typically function at around 192 Kbps which offers significantly worse sound quality than aptX (352 Kbps) or aptX HD (576 Kbps). Higher bitrates tend to sound better to people who are picky about their music.

Noise cancelling –  ANC (active noise cancellation) is exactly what it sounds like, you hear less or none of the noise around you with these devices on.

Battery life – For wireless headphones, battery life and chargeability are major considerations. Over the ear wireless headphones typically need to be plugged into a wall charger for some length of time while most wireless earbuds offer a charging case that makes these devices much more practical. 


Some of the most popular wireless headphones you can find this holiday season include:


  • Apple Airpods Pro
  • Bose QuietComfort 
  • Sony WF-1000XM4
  • Jabra Elite 85t

Over the Ear Headphones

  • Apple Airpods Max
  • Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700
  • Sony WH-1000XM4
  • Microsoft Surface Headphones 2

Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner

For years, robotic vacuums were a bit too pricey for the average person to give them as a gift, and if you purchase the top tier robot vacuum now you are still looking at over $1,000. However, prices have fallen enough now for it to be a very popular gadget for people to give to one another. 

There are a few things you need to consider before purchasing a robot vacuum. First, you need to ensure that the situation of the floor that is going to be cleaned is right for the vacuum cleaner. How much floor do you have to clean? Are there changes in flooring (hardwood-to-carpet)? If so, how high is the carpet? Are there pets in the house? Answering these simple questions will help you find the right device. 

Here are some of the features today’s robotic vacuum cleaners have:

Charging dock – All robot vacuum cleaners will have some sort of charging dock. Some docks are smaller and therefore easier to conceal.

Mapping technology – More expensive models will use lasers, while cheaper models will routinely bump off things.

Vacuuming prowess – This is a huge consideration as cheaper models will have a tendency to get caught up or need to be dumped very often. Higher-end machines will have an auto-bin feature that will empty itself in the dock before going back out.

Smart or not – Some models offer Wi-Fi connectivity and application support. This allows users a lot of features they won’t find in less-expensive versions of the device.

Some of the most popular autonomous vacuums this year are:

  • iRobot Roomba s9+
  • Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL RV1001AE
  • Eufy RoboVac 15c

Video Calling Devices

In what seems to many of us like science fiction, we can all now communicate with video chat on many of our computing devices. As a result, some of the largest tech companies in existence have developed devices used distinctly for this purpose. This is great for the elderly members of your family (or the people who aren’t tech-savvy) that may not have a smartphone or would just like a larger screen to video chat with.

As mentioned earlier, most of the devices that are built for this are made available by the largest and most respected technology companies in the world: Amazon, Google, and Facebook. 

Some features you should consider when shopping for a video chat device include:

Large screen for clarity

Integrated camera and speakers

Smart device control center

The main options available this holiday season are:

  • Facebook Portal – The portal devices are gaining ground since they offer Amazon’s Alexa built into the device profile. There are currently two offerings available: the 10” Portal Go and the 14” Portal+. 
  • Amazon Echo Show – Obviously, the versions of the Echo Show have Alexa built-in. There are currently three versions of the Echo Show: a five-inch, an eight-inch, and a 10-inch.
  • Google Nest Hub Max – Google’s largest version is a 10-inch screen with an integrated camera and speakers. It is fueled by Google Home, Google’s smart hub platform. 


What do you think? Are there any other technologies you think should be on this list? 

Is Remote Work Eroding Your Company Culture?

While many companies have successfully made the transition to remote work during the pandemic, there have been some concerns that this change in operation has a detrimental impact on a company’s culture. So…how can an organization adapt to these changes, and still keep a sense of the company as a cultural entity? 

First things first… what makes it so important to establish a healthy company culture in the first place?

Company Culture is Key to Your Continued Productivity

The whole point behind having a healthy company culture is to help keep your employees engaged with the overall goals that the company has established, as well as to attract additional talent to the business. Interconnectivity is crucial to developing these kinds of relationships, with visibility into the progress made by the entire team.

Naturally, remote work has made this kind of connection a lot more challenging to sustain. In fact, a global survey found that 51 percent of respondents had experienced a loss of connection to their company culture after the COVID-19 pandemic forced them into remote work. Out of the interactions with their coworkers, in-person collaboration, or have a definite line between work and home, these respondents actually indicated that they most miss spending time with their fellow employees.

On top of this, company culture is very high on the average prospect’s list of considerations. Another study found that 57 percent of job seekers consider it just as important as pay, while 75 percent of recruiters rank how well an applicant fits into the culture a company has established more highly than the prospect’s experience.

On top of this, 73 percent of this survey’s respondents closely associated a company’s culture with its reputation as a whole.

One chief people officer in the study credits a company’s culture for spurring on a list of common business priorities. Priorities like:

  • Engagement
  • Productivity
  • Profitability
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Retention

Each of these priorities would presumably suffer if the company culture deteriorates as a result of remote work (which is common, as mentioned in the surveys above!) Putting in place some directed activities can help diminish the loss in culture.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

How to Keep a Remote Team Engaged

See to Your Remote Workers’ Needs

This one may be a little boring and predictable, but it is invariably important for any business utilizing a remote workforce to see to. If your team members are able to work from home, you should be doing everything that you can to facilitate their efforts. This may range from providing them with the equipment they’ll need to do so effectively to subsidizing their Internet costs. Tying into this, your workers will also need to know what your expectations of them will be. You’ll need to have policies and expectations developed and dispersed to your team members that cover matters like:

  • If remote workers are expected to stick to regular office hours, or if their work schedule can be more flexible.
  • Which tools remote team members should use to collaborate with the rest of their team.
  • Whether remote employees are able to work remotely while traveling, and how remote time-off requests are to be handled.

Establish Company Culture and Create Reasons to Socialize

It’s a simple equation: the less time your employees spend around one another, the fewer opportunities they’ll have to form the bonds that encourage teamwork and loyalty. For all its benefits, this is one of the biggest drawbacks that remote work brings with it.

Therefore, you need to do what you can to establish a positive company culture and motivate your employees to interact more with one another. Hold events that bring your in-house and remote teams together and allow them to be themselves. This encourages both halves to develop a more cohesive relationship, now that they know each other a little better.

Acknowledge Remote Work from the Beginning

It also helps to include the concept of remote work into your business overall. For instance, by involving it in your onboarding information, you can instill an acceptance of it in your team members from the get-go.

Remote Work Doesn’t Have to Cost You Your Company Culture

With our assistance, remote work becomes a lot easier to manage, allowing you to focus more of your efforts on retaining the culture you’ve developed over the years. To find out more about the services we can provide to help support your business’ technology (both in-house and remote), give Net Activity a call at 216-503-5150.


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